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How to Integrate Shopify with Vencru

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A Shopify store can be integrated with Vencru, either through your Vencru account or your Shopify account.

How to Connect Shopify From Your Vencru Account

  1. Log in on Vencru
  2. Select Settings on the Menubar from the Dashboard
  3. Then, click Commerce Settings from the sidebar
  4. Click the Connect Now button under Shopify
  1. Fill in your Shopify Store URL and click Connect To Shopify
  1. Click Install on the authorization page
  1. On the Connect Shopify Page, select your preferences and click Save and Continue
  2. Then, Click Finish Integration after reviewing your settings.

How to Connect Vencru From Your Shopify Store:

  1. Log in to your Shopify Store
  2. Click Settings on the menu bar
  3. Click Apps and Sales Channels
  4. Search for Vencru and Click Install
  5. Select the plan that suits your business needs and Approve payment on the Plans page
  6. On the Connect Shopify Pages, select your preferences and click Save and Continue
  1. Then, Click Finish Integration after reviewing your settings.

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