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Record Payment to Invoice

Estimated reading: 1 minute 492 views

In Vencru, income (payment received) is tracked when an invoice is marked as Paid or Deposit paid. You can record payment received manually, whether full or partial. There are two ways to record payment on Vencru.

From dropdown

  1. Click Sales on the menu bar
  2. Select the invoice you want to record payment for from the sales transaction list
  3. On the dropdown, click Record payment
  1. Fill in the relevant details and select Add payment. Please note that you can record a deposit or full payment.

From the view invoice page

  1. Click Sales on the menu bar
  2. Choose the invoice you want to record payment for from the sales transaction list
  3. Click View from the dropdown.
  4. Click the More action drop and select Record payment 
  1. Fill in the relevant details and select Add payment. Please note that you can record a deposit or full payment.

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Record Payment to Invoice

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