Vencru Support

Vencru Support

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Team member permissions

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On Vencru, you can control the level of access invited team members have to your account by selecting the permission group that best suits you. You can invite team members as:

  • Administrator
  • Staff
  • Contractor/Accountant and
  • Viewer

The table below shows the access level each permission group has:

AdministratorStaffContractor/ AccountantViewer
SalesFull accessLimited accessLimited accessView only
ReportsFull accessNo accessFull accessView only
ExpensesFull accessLimited accessLimited accessView only
Inventory/ItemsFull accessLimited accessLimited accessView only
ClientsFull accessLimited accessLimited accessView only
Business SettingsFull accessNo accessLimited accessView only
Payment SettingsFull accessNo accessNo accessNo access
Team ManagementNo accessNo accessNo accessNo access
Data ExportFull accessNo accessFull accessNo access

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