Vencru Support

Vencru Support

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Vencru is a double-entry accounting software

Add expense

Estimated reading: 1 minute 910 views
  1. Click Expenses on the menu bar, and click Expenses from the dropdown
  2. Click Add expense
  3. Fill in all relevant information. 
  4. Click on Save expense or Save and add new expense 

Add expense with Multicurrency

  1. Click Expenses on the menu bar, and click Expenses from the drop-down
  2. Click Add expense
  3. Fill in all relevant information
  4. On the Amount field, click on the dropdown, and select the currency of choice
  1. You can edit the exchange rate by clicking on edit to input the rate of choice
  2. Click on Save expense or Save and add new expense 

Check out our video tutorial here 

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